Beautifully executed and funny, the Man Therapy website both entertains and provides some mental health assistance aimed at men who are reluctant to come to therapy.
Recommended Books
The Feeling Good Handbook (Burns, 1999) may not be the newest self-help book on the market, but it is one of the best. This large book may look a bit intimidating but you can get by reading just the first few chapters and, then, skipping ahead to any chapters that cover specific concerns. I highly recommend the methods used in this book for those looking to recognize and change anxious and negative thinking.
Calming Your Anxious Mind (Brantley & Kabat-Zinn, 2007) is a solid introduction to the practice of mindfulness for those who suffer from anxiety.
Although Mindset (Dweck, 2007) is subtitled "The New Psychology of Success" it could just as easily have been subtitled "Free Yourself from Perfectionism" or "Learn to be Persistent." The main focus of this book is on moving from a fixed mindset (believing your skills are innate, unchangeable) to a growth mindset (believing that your skills are dependent on your own hard work and practice.) The book reviews how these two mindsets play out in many arenas, including work, sports, relationships and in parenting. There is a great chapter for parents on how to help your own child develop a growth mindset.
The book Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life (Spradlin, 2003) was written for people with intense high and low emotional states. However, anyone who finds their emotions difficult to tolerate can find useful information in this book.